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PPC Renewables SA

PPC Renewables SA (PPCR), is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Public Power Corporation SA, Greece’s largest power generation company. In 2006, PPCR inherited all Renewable Energy Source (RES) related activities (wind, small hydroelectric, solar and geothermal) from PPC, including all its technological innovation, know-how and expertise in the field of power generation.


In 2017, I designed a booklet for PPCR company for their presentation at Trade International Fair of Thessaloniki. For this project, I decided to work with my iPad Pro programs, for create all the illustrations. After this, with Adobe InDesign, I designed all the pages of the book. Here you can take a look at one part of the project. I'm so proud of this work, because it was my first public illustration work and with great impact as well.

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